Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Pic of the week
IJF Judogi rules delayed
International Judo Federation
International judo fédération / fédération internationale de judo - Institut du judo 21 25 avenue de la porte de Châtillon paris XIV cedex 14 01 40 52 16 09 – 01 40 52 16 66 fax 01 40 52 16 60 president@ffjudo.com
Mr. President,
Our federation fit into the process of modernization of its activities and development of its attraction for public and media.
In this framework we first put in place the organization of a network of legible and attractive competitions. Then we wanted to make judo more spectacular without removing its fundamental and educative principles by changing the referring rules. This was successfully realized.
In order to complete this point and enable judoka to realize spectacular techniques, we put in place a norm which permits to grip the judogi more easily, to facilitate in this way the projections and increase the number of “Ippon”.
The norm is validated since May 2010 and the official laboratories verify the conformity of the IJF label judogi.
The President Mr. Marius Vizer, at the origin of this idea, wished to delay the application of the obligation, initially fixed on the 1st January 2011, to wear a judogi complying with the IJF new norms for participating in the official competitions.
This obligation will take effect starting the Individual Senior World Championships of Paris in August 2011.
Until this date, only the judogi conform to the current IJF norms as well as to new norms will be authorized.
We advise you to be equipped as soon as possible with these judogi conform to new norms near the official manufacturers.
This decision gives an additional period to the manufacturers for being conform and to equip the national teams, as the problem linked with the cotton market delayed some manufacturers in the conception of these new judogi.
Only official suppliers’ judogi will be authorized.
Sincerely yours,
Jean-Luc Rouge
IJF DPM Director
The list of the official judogi suppliers:
2. ADIDAS Double D
International judo fédération / fédération internationale de judo - Institut du judo 21 25 avenue de la porte de Châtillon paris XIV cedex 14 01 40 52 16 09 – 01 40 52 16 66 fax 01 40 52 16 60 president@ffjudo.com
Mr. President,
Our federation fit into the process of modernization of its activities and development of its attraction for public and media.
In this framework we first put in place the organization of a network of legible and attractive competitions. Then we wanted to make judo more spectacular without removing its fundamental and educative principles by changing the referring rules. This was successfully realized.
In order to complete this point and enable judoka to realize spectacular techniques, we put in place a norm which permits to grip the judogi more easily, to facilitate in this way the projections and increase the number of “Ippon”.
The norm is validated since May 2010 and the official laboratories verify the conformity of the IJF label judogi.
The President Mr. Marius Vizer, at the origin of this idea, wished to delay the application of the obligation, initially fixed on the 1st January 2011, to wear a judogi complying with the IJF new norms for participating in the official competitions.
This obligation will take effect starting the Individual Senior World Championships of Paris in August 2011.

We advise you to be equipped as soon as possible with these judogi conform to new norms near the official manufacturers.
This decision gives an additional period to the manufacturers for being conform and to equip the national teams, as the problem linked with the cotton market delayed some manufacturers in the conception of these new judogi.
Only official suppliers’ judogi will be authorized.
Sincerely yours,
Jean-Luc Rouge
IJF DPM Director
The list of the official judogi suppliers:
2. ADIDAS Double D
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Are Carbohydrates bad?

Have you ever heard that too much Carbs are bad for you? Want to know the real answer go to www.katefreemannutrition.com.au to find.

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sub of the week- Flying armbar
Armbar happens at 34seconds
I find that in the BJJ world many people get bored of drilling and want to learn something new. Then they do that new technique 50 times and want to learn something else. But in Judo we do uchikomi and we do 10,000 repetitions of the 1 judo throw and we just keep on doing it forever.
Yes we have slightly different setups but to get very very good at a particular technique you must just keep doing it and doing it and doing it, until it becomes natural and almost second nature.
I found this clip of female World Submission Grappling Champion and she is getting interviwed but the footage is of her drilling basic techniques and positions but that's why she is world champ. Not because she knows alot of stuff but because she drills over and over and over again the same technique until its perfect.
There is a Bruce Lee quote that is something like "i don't fear a man who knows 10 000 kicks, i fear the man who has done 1 kick 10 000 times." - what a great saying and there is a lot of truth in it.
So just keep on Drilling
Yes we have slightly different setups but to get very very good at a particular technique you must just keep doing it and doing it and doing it, until it becomes natural and almost second nature.
I found this clip of female World Submission Grappling Champion and she is getting interviwed but the footage is of her drilling basic techniques and positions but that's why she is world champ. Not because she knows alot of stuff but because she drills over and over and over again the same technique until its perfect.
There is a Bruce Lee quote that is something like "i don't fear a man who knows 10 000 kicks, i fear the man who has done 1 kick 10 000 times." - what a great saying and there is a lot of truth in it.
So just keep on Drilling
Chidaoba - Traditional Georgian Wrestling
For more info
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
IJF Grand Prix Abu Dhabi 2010

Final Results were
1st Mudranov RUS
2nd Galstyan RUS
3rd Chimed-yondon MON
3rd Davtyan ARM
5th Zantaraia UKR
5th Verde, ITA
5th Paischer, AUT
5th Mooren NED
get all the results at
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
IJF Samoa Wrap up

Last weekend the South Pacific island paradise of Samoa welcomed judoka from around the world to take part in the World Cup Olympic qualifier in its capital Apia.
It's still a flight of over five hours from Sydney to Apia but at least Ivo dos Santos (AUS) and several of his team mates have been able to make the most of having a world cup within reasonable striking distance. Dos Santos -66kg seeded No. 3 here, took the bronze medal and 40 points to lift him from 31st to 17th in the IJF WRL losing only to Sasha Mehmedovic (CAN) whose silver medal win (60pts) moves him ahead of his Canadian rival Michal Popiel.
The US duo of Nick Delpopolo and Michael Eldred are likely to consider there visit to Samoa a missed opportunity as neither of them was able to take gold despite the fact that they were seeded one and two respectively in the -73kg. They were both defeated by the unfancied Martin Nietlispach (SUI), ranked a lowly 124, who upset the form book in winning his first ever world cup.
Mark Anthony -90kg (AUS) retained his title and further improved his chances of qualifying for London 2012 whilst Daniel Kelly -100kg (AUS) moved closer to a qualification spot with a gold medal winning performance beating his continental union rival Jason Koster (NZL) in the final. Also making good ground was young Victorian Jake Andrewartha +100kg (AUS) who if he keeps up this form could be London bound. Carli Renzi (AUS) did exactly what she needed to do in order to stay ahead of the chasing pack in the -57kg. Her gold medal win justified her being seeded No. 1 and puts her 20th on the WRL.
Kathleen Sell's -70kg (USA) win over team mate Samantha Bleier puts even more distance between the US pair and should encourage her toward her goal. Janelle Shepherd +78 (AUS) needs no encouragement. Self confident (and with good reason) what Shepherd needs is plentiful competition for which she is going to have to travel further afield. The action moves this weekend to Abu Dhabi for the Grand Prix where the competition will surely be stronger and hopefully, for Shepherd, in greater numbers.
from ijf.org
to see the ijf world ranking list go to:
Judo and the new rules
Obviously in the Judo community there has been a huge uproar in the changing of Judo rules regarding leg grabs, pickups and Russian style techniques. I have travelled all around the world and experienced different styles of Judo, from the traditional Japanese judo, the Russian pickup style of judo and even the weird Mongolian and Kazakhstan styles as well.
I read the Judoforum.com maybe once or twice a week and there are constant threads about the new rules and people who just keep on complaining about how Judo isn’t a martial art anymore and how we are excluding grappling techniques that aren’t necessarily used in only judo but also in various forms of wrestling.
For a while I was very against the new rules of Judo due to the fact that it clashed with my own style of Judo that I have been doing for so long. Although recently I have travelled to Taipei, Rotterdam, Samoa as well as Brazil and now in Japan and I think the new rules have been great for the sport for multiple reasons.
I have participated in many training camps over the last few months and have noticed that a lot of the top judo guys who used to do pickups and leg grabs (and now cant) are still here doing judo and still performing at a top international level e.g. Tsaagaanbaatar (MON) despite that fact that their main techniques have been banned.
Although I am also aware of a few competitors who have suffered immensely such as Brazils 2 X world Champ Derly BRA 66kg. Who, to my understanding is not to highly ranked in Brazil anymore.
Due to me being in Japan and having a lot of time on my hands I have been doing a lot of thinking regarding other sports who have changed rules for various reasons.
A few years ago in competitive Taekwondo competitors were able to punch to the head. But what tended to happen was amateur boxers would enter the tournament block all kicks to the head, come in close and knock fellow competitors out. The pure essence of Taekwondo is their amazing kicking skills, but due to the way the sport went spectators were not seeing spectacular kicks they were seeing a boxing match.
So by banning punching to the head the more complete taekwondo fighter using the very essence of the sport would more often than not win the match.
By changing the rules they could keep the essence of the sport alive so that when people came and watched they would watch Taekwondo's amazing kicks not just a boxing match.
In my opinion yes they were taking out an effective attack in a punch to the head but to keep the essence and spirit of the sport alive, I see no problem with the change.
Rugby League & Rugby union
Rugby league and rugby union at first can look very similar and for a long time they were similar especially when the Scrum in rugby league was contested. It would collapse and they would start over. Very similar to Rugby union.
But by not contesting the scrum onlookers would hopefully be able to see the difference between league and Union.
In the end one major aspect of the game of rugby union is the contested scrums and rucks, while in League it isn’t a huge part of the game. By eliminating contested scrums league and union could stay different.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Brazilian Jujitsu.
It is my understanding that in BJJ once you throw or perform a takedown you must then engage on the ground, if you don’t you may lose a point.
These rules are in place so that the throwing sports such as judo and wrestling cannot come in and (due to superior stand up) throw and break away, throw and break away. If these rules were allowed the essence of BJJ wouldn’t be there. The fundamental nature of competitive BJJ is the ground game. Without the ground game what is it? Is a Judo or wrestling match. But by keeping these rules you are keeping the essence of the sport alive.
Imagine going to a BJJ comp and all you saw was stand up and no ground work. Same as imagine going to judo and all you saw was ground work and no standing fighting. It’s not what the 'Sport' is.

What makes Judo...Judo? Is it the Gi? Is it the throws? Is it the Japanese names?
In my opinion Judo is the most superior unarmed Martial art as well as sport. It has all the making of real world self defence as well as a sport.
For example in Judo the fight starts standing and in most cases the ground game is well and done after no more than 1 minute. I have never heard of a street fight or a fight in a pub where both fighters were wrestling on the ground for 10 minutes and the fight finishing with an omaplata from rubber guard.
What makes Judo unique is the techniques we use that are used in our sport.
Imagine if at a judo competition all you saw was double and single leg takedowns, fireman’s carries and bear hug kosotos, (would you think you were at a judo or wrestling tournament.) Yes, I know they are all legitimate judo techniques but are they unique to judo, so when someone saw judo match and a wrestling match they could see a difference.
Imagine coming to a Judo competition and all you saw was uchimata, tai otoshi, seoi nage and foot sweeps and then going to watch freestyle wrestling and seeing mostly doubles and singles but sometimes an uchimata and foot sweep. You would be able to easily note the difference between the two sports.
That is what the international judo federation is trying to achieve with the rule change.
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with trying to keep Judo unique.
Another example is from firsthand experience at a few training camps around the world. For a long time Georgia’s Khergiani has been the number 1 in their country and consistently placing at various top level tournaments for the past 10 years. His style of judo was a bent over wrestling style posture and the only techniques he ever used were a fireman’s carry (kata guruma), pickups and an occasional drop seoi nage (shoulder throw).
Now the new rules have come in and I don’t know is he has retired or is injured or is not number one anymore but now Georgia have 2 new judo players in 60s. Asumbani and Papinashvilli, both these guys are a complete contrast to Khergiani. These guys both have huge uchimatas, tai othoshis and seoi nages. These guys are showcasing the stereotypical 'judo' techniques while their predecessor was showcasing more wrestling styles of judo and in my opinion the new style is a lot better than the old style.
In the end I see nothing wrong with the new rule change because it will keep judo unique in the eyes of spectators as well as competitors.
Another quick example I have which is completely unrelated is from my favourite author David Gemmell. He wrote medieval fantasy novels that were fantastic. He only once wrote a suspense mystery novel under an alias (different name.) When asked why the name change Gemmell said that when people pick up a David Gemmell they are expecting a medieval fantasy novel, if they pick up a Gemmell and its a murder mystery they will be disappointed as that is not what a Gemmell novel usually is.
I thought this was interesting as he was willing to change his famous writing name to keep his fans from being disappointed because Gemmell is a fantasy novelist not a murder author. Eg Gemmell wants people to pick a Gemmell and get a fantasy novel the same way when you come to judo you want to see Judo, you dont want to see a wrestling match.
I just thought i would write from my perspective what i thought about the new rules. This is due to the fact that i have see alot of styles of Judo all over the world and since being in Japan it has really driven home to me what 'judo' techniques really are.
Feel free to comment or email me at matthewdaquino@yahoo.com
Catch ya

For a while I was very against the new rules of Judo due to the fact that it clashed with my own style of Judo that I have been doing for so long. Although recently I have travelled to Taipei, Rotterdam, Samoa as well as Brazil and now in Japan and I think the new rules have been great for the sport for multiple reasons.
I have participated in many training camps over the last few months and have noticed that a lot of the top judo guys who used to do pickups and leg grabs (and now cant) are still here doing judo and still performing at a top international level e.g. Tsaagaanbaatar (MON) despite that fact that their main techniques have been banned.
Although I am also aware of a few competitors who have suffered immensely such as Brazils 2 X world Champ Derly BRA 66kg. Who, to my understanding is not to highly ranked in Brazil anymore.
Due to me being in Japan and having a lot of time on my hands I have been doing a lot of thinking regarding other sports who have changed rules for various reasons.

So by banning punching to the head the more complete taekwondo fighter using the very essence of the sport would more often than not win the match.
By changing the rules they could keep the essence of the sport alive so that when people came and watched they would watch Taekwondo's amazing kicks not just a boxing match.
In my opinion yes they were taking out an effective attack in a punch to the head but to keep the essence and spirit of the sport alive, I see no problem with the change.
Rugby League & Rugby union

But by not contesting the scrum onlookers would hopefully be able to see the difference between league and Union.
In the end one major aspect of the game of rugby union is the contested scrums and rucks, while in League it isn’t a huge part of the game. By eliminating contested scrums league and union could stay different.
I see nothing wrong with this.
Brazilian Jujitsu.

These rules are in place so that the throwing sports such as judo and wrestling cannot come in and (due to superior stand up) throw and break away, throw and break away. If these rules were allowed the essence of BJJ wouldn’t be there. The fundamental nature of competitive BJJ is the ground game. Without the ground game what is it? Is a Judo or wrestling match. But by keeping these rules you are keeping the essence of the sport alive.
Imagine going to a BJJ comp and all you saw was stand up and no ground work. Same as imagine going to judo and all you saw was ground work and no standing fighting. It’s not what the 'Sport' is.

What makes Judo...Judo? Is it the Gi? Is it the throws? Is it the Japanese names?
In my opinion Judo is the most superior unarmed Martial art as well as sport. It has all the making of real world self defence as well as a sport.
For example in Judo the fight starts standing and in most cases the ground game is well and done after no more than 1 minute. I have never heard of a street fight or a fight in a pub where both fighters were wrestling on the ground for 10 minutes and the fight finishing with an omaplata from rubber guard.
What makes Judo unique is the techniques we use that are used in our sport.
Imagine if at a judo competition all you saw was double and single leg takedowns, fireman’s carries and bear hug kosotos, (would you think you were at a judo or wrestling tournament.) Yes, I know they are all legitimate judo techniques but are they unique to judo, so when someone saw judo match and a wrestling match they could see a difference.
Imagine coming to a Judo competition and all you saw was uchimata, tai otoshi, seoi nage and foot sweeps and then going to watch freestyle wrestling and seeing mostly doubles and singles but sometimes an uchimata and foot sweep. You would be able to easily note the difference between the two sports.
That is what the international judo federation is trying to achieve with the rule change.
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with trying to keep Judo unique.
Another example is from firsthand experience at a few training camps around the world. For a long time Georgia’s Khergiani has been the number 1 in their country and consistently placing at various top level tournaments for the past 10 years. His style of judo was a bent over wrestling style posture and the only techniques he ever used were a fireman’s carry (kata guruma), pickups and an occasional drop seoi nage (shoulder throw).
Now the new rules have come in and I don’t know is he has retired or is injured or is not number one anymore but now Georgia have 2 new judo players in 60s. Asumbani and Papinashvilli, both these guys are a complete contrast to Khergiani. These guys both have huge uchimatas, tai othoshis and seoi nages. These guys are showcasing the stereotypical 'judo' techniques while their predecessor was showcasing more wrestling styles of judo and in my opinion the new style is a lot better than the old style.
In the end I see nothing wrong with the new rule change because it will keep judo unique in the eyes of spectators as well as competitors.
Another quick example I have which is completely unrelated is from my favourite author David Gemmell. He wrote medieval fantasy novels that were fantastic. He only once wrote a suspense mystery novel under an alias (different name.) When asked why the name change Gemmell said that when people pick up a David Gemmell they are expecting a medieval fantasy novel, if they pick up a Gemmell and its a murder mystery they will be disappointed as that is not what a Gemmell novel usually is.
I thought this was interesting as he was willing to change his famous writing name to keep his fans from being disappointed because Gemmell is a fantasy novelist not a murder author. Eg Gemmell wants people to pick a Gemmell and get a fantasy novel the same way when you come to judo you want to see Judo, you dont want to see a wrestling match.
I just thought i would write from my perspective what i thought about the new rules. This is due to the fact that i have see alot of styles of Judo all over the world and since being in Japan it has really driven home to me what 'judo' techniques really are.
Feel free to comment or email me at matthewdaquino@yahoo.com
Catch ya
Monday, November 22, 2010
2009 World Champs Report

In the 2009 World Championships there were 572 winning techniques. Below are the numbers and percentages showing only the ones that won at least 10 matches.
Penalty Non-Combativity 71 (12%)
Te-waza Te-Guruma 41 (7%)
Te-waza Seoi-nage 30 (5%)
Other Undetermined Nage-waza 28 (4%)
Te-waza Ippon-seoi-nage 28 (4%)
Penalty Defensive-Posture 21 (3%)
Osae-komi-waza Kesa-gatame 20 (3%)
Ashi-waza Uchi-mata 18 (3%)
Ashi-waza Deashi-barai 18 (3%)
Te-waza Kata-guruma 18 (3%)
Other Undetermined 17 (2%)
Ashi-waza O-uchi-gari 17 (2%)
Penalty False-Attack 15 (2%)
Sutemi-waza Tani-otoshi 12 (2%)
Other Undetermined Katame-waza 12 (2%)
Sutemi-waza Tomoe-nage 11 (1%)
Osae-komi-waza Yoko-shiho-gatame 10 (1%)
Ashi-waza O-soto-gari 10 (1%)
Other Yusei Gachi 10 (1%)
When looking at the data for all scores (not just the ones that won matches), these are the top 10:
Penalty Non-Combativity 698 (36.7%)
Penalty Defensive-Posture 206 (10.8%)
Penalty False-Attack 141 (7.4%)
Te-waza Te-Guruma 64 (3.3%)
Penalty Avoid-Grip 64 (3.3%)
Penalty Undetermined Penalty 50 (2.6%)
Other Undetermined Nage-waza 48 (2.5%)
Te-waza Seoi-nage 44 (2.3%)
Te-waza Ippon-seoi-nage 43 (2.2%)
Sutemi-waza Tani-otoshi 30 (1.5%)
It looks like the objective of judo competition is to avoid penalties. 63% of all scores were penalties, and the top reason for winning was a non-combativity penalty.
For more discussion follow this link to the judo forum
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Athlete Profile - Masato Uchishiba

Masato Uchishiba (内柴 正人) (born 17 June 1978 in Kōshi, Kumamoto) is a judoka who won the gold medal in the men's under 66 kg division at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece and at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China.
To win the Olympic gold at Athens, he defeated Jozef Krnáč of Slovakia. Of winning the gold, he said, "I wanted this so badly I wouldn't have cared if it was my last fight ever," though his comments were officially translated as: "It is probably my last Olympics, that is why I am proud of my medal."
At the 2005 Judo World Championships, he won silver in his division.
He also won the gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics against Benjamin Darbelet of France.
Olympic Games
Gold 2004 Athens -66 kg
Gold 2008 Beijing -66 kg
World Championships
Silver 2005 Cairo -66 kg
Asian Games
Bronze 2002 Busan -60 kg
Gold 2001 Beijing
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pic of the Week - Seoi Nage

Nomura on his way to winning another Olympic Gold. Nomura is known for his uncanny ability to throw for Ippon with any technique, although his best a favourite technique (Tokuiwaza) is an ippon seoi nage.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Submission of the week-Rolling Oma plata
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Samoa training Camp
Training camp here in Samoa was pretty sweet
Nicholas gill (multiple world and Olympic medallist) was running and teaching at the camp.
Each session consisted of a warm up ne waza instruction or armbars from guard or how to attack a turtle followed by 5 by 5 mins or ne waza randori. After this there was tachi waza instruction focussing on osoto gari. Attacks were osoto as a defence as a combination with ouchi, or ko soto gake as well as left vs right or harai into osoto and osoto into uchimata. To finish we did 7 by 5 minutes of tachiwaza in 2 groups.
All in all a good camp.
Today we did alot of sightseeing. We went and did some snorkelling in a coral reef (I got sunburnt) and we then had some maccas for lunch before heading to a place called sliding rock which is rock that has water and moss on it and you can slide down into water at the bottom. Now everyone is hanging down at the pool ready to go home in the morning.
See you all soon
Nicholas gill (multiple world and Olympic medallist) was running and teaching at the camp.
Each session consisted of a warm up ne waza instruction or armbars from guard or how to attack a turtle followed by 5 by 5 mins or ne waza randori. After this there was tachi waza instruction focussing on osoto gari. Attacks were osoto as a defence as a combination with ouchi, or ko soto gake as well as left vs right or harai into osoto and osoto into uchimata. To finish we did 7 by 5 minutes of tachiwaza in 2 groups.
All in all a good camp.
Today we did alot of sightseeing. We went and did some snorkelling in a coral reef (I got sunburnt) and we then had some maccas for lunch before heading to a place called sliding rock which is rock that has water and moss on it and you can slide down into water at the bottom. Now everyone is hanging down at the pool ready to go home in the morning.
See you all soon
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
There goes another Oceania World Cup for another year. Last year I got a 3rd. This year a 5th.
I drew a local from Samoa first round and beat him with a drop seoi nage (shoulder throw) for ippon. He was quite an awkward fighter and I hate fighting those sorts of guys, but I made sure I didn’t make any mistakes and I got the win which was good.
My next round was against world number 11 Kudyakov from Russia. He is a small fighter and looks only about 15 years old. I was keen as fighting someone like him and really wanted to have a good fight against him. We started off and he pretty much threw me within 15 seconds for an ippon. I couldn’t believe it, it was the weirdest technique ever. He threw his right arm over my right arm and tried to standing arm bar me, so I pulled my arm out just a bit (so he missed my elbow) then I squirrel gripped him to see if I could pick him up but he hooked my leg with his leg. Then I thought mmmm I think I better bail out of here because I don’t want to be stuck here with this guy. Then he hooked my other leg with his arm and did a forward roll/flip and I landed on my back.
Ref called ippon and it was all over, the scoreboard people thought it was my throw because it was so weird but yeah it was his and he beat me so easy. I was sooo disappointed; there is nothing worse than losing in the first exchange with a fighter. You never should lose in the first exchange.
Next fight I had was against Da Silva from Australia, I controlled the grips and threw him for a waza ari with a takedown and because he got 3 penalties awarded against him I won the fight.
My fight for 3rd place was against Dikins from Australia. I was very keen to fight but it just didn’t happen. I got thrown early with a waza ari and was chasing ever since, I threw him for a few yukos I think or some that maybe were not scored. I will have to re-watch the fight. In the end with 20secs to go and me chasing he dropped under and threw me for another waza ari to win the fight.
I am very disappointed with how I fought in all of my fights actually and have really sat down and analysed everything I need to do in order to improve. Although I’m upset I am also looking forward to the next few months training, fine tuning and hopefully winning more fights overseas and at home.
Now we have a training camp on. Should be good there are some good players here to train with and I’m excited to train.
For 60kgs the final results were 1st Pessoa Canada 2nd Poristogia PERU 3rd Kudyakov RUS Dikins AUS. My weight division was one of the biggest this trip with about 17 athletes entered.
Fight of the day was probably Pessoas win over the Russian in the semi final, Pessoa was losing with 20-30 seconds to go and he dropped under for a seoi nage and drove it through to win the fight.
66kg was a stacked division with a number of international fighters and they were tough. The only Aussie to place was Ivo dos Santos winning 3 of his 4 fights to win 3rd place. 66kg was a stacked diviskon with alot of depth the end results were 1st Khan Megomedov RUS 2nd Memohdovic CAN 3rd Ivo Dos Santos 3rd Leat NZL
I drew a local from Samoa first round and beat him with a drop seoi nage (shoulder throw) for ippon. He was quite an awkward fighter and I hate fighting those sorts of guys, but I made sure I didn’t make any mistakes and I got the win which was good.
My next round was against world number 11 Kudyakov from Russia. He is a small fighter and looks only about 15 years old. I was keen as fighting someone like him and really wanted to have a good fight against him. We started off and he pretty much threw me within 15 seconds for an ippon. I couldn’t believe it, it was the weirdest technique ever. He threw his right arm over my right arm and tried to standing arm bar me, so I pulled my arm out just a bit (so he missed my elbow) then I squirrel gripped him to see if I could pick him up but he hooked my leg with his leg. Then I thought mmmm I think I better bail out of here because I don’t want to be stuck here with this guy. Then he hooked my other leg with his arm and did a forward roll/flip and I landed on my back.
Ref called ippon and it was all over, the scoreboard people thought it was my throw because it was so weird but yeah it was his and he beat me so easy. I was sooo disappointed; there is nothing worse than losing in the first exchange with a fighter. You never should lose in the first exchange.
Next fight I had was against Da Silva from Australia, I controlled the grips and threw him for a waza ari with a takedown and because he got 3 penalties awarded against him I won the fight.
My fight for 3rd place was against Dikins from Australia. I was very keen to fight but it just didn’t happen. I got thrown early with a waza ari and was chasing ever since, I threw him for a few yukos I think or some that maybe were not scored. I will have to re-watch the fight. In the end with 20secs to go and me chasing he dropped under and threw me for another waza ari to win the fight.
I am very disappointed with how I fought in all of my fights actually and have really sat down and analysed everything I need to do in order to improve. Although I’m upset I am also looking forward to the next few months training, fine tuning and hopefully winning more fights overseas and at home.
Now we have a training camp on. Should be good there are some good players here to train with and I’m excited to train.
For 60kgs the final results were 1st Pessoa Canada 2nd Poristogia PERU 3rd Kudyakov RUS Dikins AUS. My weight division was one of the biggest this trip with about 17 athletes entered.
Fight of the day was probably Pessoas win over the Russian in the semi final, Pessoa was losing with 20-30 seconds to go and he dropped under for a seoi nage and drove it through to win the fight.
66kg was a stacked division with a number of international fighters and they were tough. The only Aussie to place was Ivo dos Santos winning 3 of his 4 fights to win 3rd place. 66kg was a stacked diviskon with alot of depth the end results were 1st Khan Megomedov RUS 2nd Memohdovic CAN 3rd Ivo Dos Santos 3rd Leat NZL
Friday, November 12, 2010
Ippon of the week - Ura Nage
Thursday, November 11, 2010
First day in Samoa..

We arrived in Samoa yesterday and got straight off the plane into bed. Due to the time differences in time zones and stuff we left Australia at 930pm on a Wednesday and arrived in Samoa on a Wednesday morning at 6am. We got off the plane and had a few hours sleep before going to judo training.
At training we did some uchikomi and nagekomi and a bit of rolling on the ground.
This year’s Oceania is going to be interesting. The points for this comp are worth 50% towards the Olympic Games. I’m definitely on looking to improve on my 3rd place last year and get a few wins together and bring home the gold.
I’m feeling pretty good, I have been training well my judo has improved and I’m fit as. I am keen as to fight and my weight management is great.
Tomorrow the heavyweights fight and i''ll be at the sauna losing some weight, and then I fight on Saturday.
Catch all the live action at www.ippon.org
Monday, November 8, 2010
Submission of the week - flying triangle
Anti Doping Info - Methylhexaneamine
The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) has recently warned all Australian athletes and coaches about the banned stimulant methylhexaneamine, following a spate of positive doping tests both in Australia and overseas. Methylhexaneamine was added to the WADA banned substance list in 2010.
AIS Sports Nutrition has compiled the following advice in relation to this substance:-
Historically, Methylhexaneamine has been used in nasal decongestant sprays, however because of its stimulant effects, it is increasingly being found in nutritional supplements. Methylhexaneamine may be identified on labels as one of the following:
• Methylhexaneamine — Forthan — 2-hexanamine 4-methyl-
• Methylhexanamine —Floradrene — 2-hexanamine, 4-methyl- (9CI)
• DMAA — 4-methyl-2-hexanamine — 1,3-dimethylamylamine
• Geranamine — 4-Methylhexan-2-amine – 1, 3-dimethylpentylamine
• Forthane — 2-amino-4-methylhexane — Pentylamine, 1, 3-dimethyl-
Methylhexaneamine is also a component of geranium oil. Therefore, it may also be listed on supplement labels / ingredients lists as:
• Flower oil extract (geranium)
• Geranium oil extract
Methylhexaneamine is often combined with caffeine in nutritional supplements to promote a stimulant and thermogenic effect. This is most likely to occur in two types of products:
1. Weight loss supplements (i.e. drink powders / pills which are promoted to enhance fat or weight loss). These supplements often used to contain ephedra, which is also listed on the WADA banned substance list.
2. Pre-exercise ‘stimulant’ supplements – frequently promoted and sold within body building circles as a pre-exercise ‘boost’ to enhance training.
These products are for sale over the counter in Australia and can be readily obtained over the internet.
Athletes should be aware of the potential risks involved in taking any nutritional supplement and note that under the World Anti-Doping Code strict liability principle, athletes are ultimately responsible for any substance found in their body. This means that even if a failed drug test results from a mistake or a contaminated supplement, the athlete is still at fault.
It is important for all athletes to carefully check the ingredients list of any nutritional supplement, and if unsure check with their sports doctor, sports dietitian or with ASADA.
The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) has recently warned all Australian athletes and coaches about the banned stimulant methylhexaneamine, following a spate of positive doping tests both in Australia and overseas. Methylhexaneamine was added to the WADA banned substance list in 2010.
AIS Sports Nutrition has compiled the following advice in relation to this substance:-
Historically, Methylhexaneamine has been used in nasal decongestant sprays, however because of its stimulant effects, it is increasingly being found in nutritional supplements. Methylhexaneamine may be identified on labels as one of the following:
• Methylhexaneamine — Forthan — 2-hexanamine 4-methyl-
• Methylhexanamine —Floradrene — 2-hexanamine, 4-methyl- (9CI)
• DMAA — 4-methyl-2-hexanamine — 1,3-dimethylamylamine
• Geranamine — 4-Methylhexan-2-amine – 1, 3-dimethylpentylamine
• Forthane — 2-amino-4-methylhexane — Pentylamine, 1, 3-dimethyl-
Methylhexaneamine is also a component of geranium oil. Therefore, it may also be listed on supplement labels / ingredients lists as:
• Flower oil extract (geranium)
• Geranium oil extract
Methylhexaneamine is often combined with caffeine in nutritional supplements to promote a stimulant and thermogenic effect. This is most likely to occur in two types of products:
1. Weight loss supplements (i.e. drink powders / pills which are promoted to enhance fat or weight loss). These supplements often used to contain ephedra, which is also listed on the WADA banned substance list.
2. Pre-exercise ‘stimulant’ supplements – frequently promoted and sold within body building circles as a pre-exercise ‘boost’ to enhance training.
These products are for sale over the counter in Australia and can be readily obtained over the internet.
Athletes should be aware of the potential risks involved in taking any nutritional supplement and note that under the World Anti-Doping Code strict liability principle, athletes are ultimately responsible for any substance found in their body. This means that even if a failed drug test results from a mistake or a contaminated supplement, the athlete is still at fault.
It is important for all athletes to carefully check the ingredients list of any nutritional supplement, and if unsure check with their sports doctor, sports dietitian or with ASADA.
Nearly off to Samoa
Not long now and ill be off to Samoa for the Oceania World Cup. Its going to be awesome and im so keen to fight. Today i packed my bag and its when i pack my bag where i start getting prepped to make train, make weight and fight.
Im very excited. For the last few weeks i have been travelling upto Sydney to train at University of NSW as well as train at Bondi Dojo (BJJ Club.)
Im pretty keen to bettre my result from last year. Last year i came 3rd, i had a tough fight agasint the chinese guy who ended up winning it. This years as it is Olympic selection points it going to be interesting to see what countries are coming.
I heard that Nicholas Gill (multiple world meddallist and 2nd Sydney Olympics) is the guest coach for the training caamp avfter the comp.
Anyway enough of me im off to bed.
Also i hope you like me new look blog. I have done a few things to the side bar and have added some nicer photos with title. I think it looks good anyway.
Also dont forget to click the top left hand side to see my new website

Photo by Trevor Haldenby
Im very excited. For the last few weeks i have been travelling upto Sydney to train at University of NSW as well as train at Bondi Dojo (BJJ Club.)
Im pretty keen to bettre my result from last year. Last year i came 3rd, i had a tough fight agasint the chinese guy who ended up winning it. This years as it is Olympic selection points it going to be interesting to see what countries are coming.
I heard that Nicholas Gill (multiple world meddallist and 2nd Sydney Olympics) is the guest coach for the training caamp avfter the comp.
Anyway enough of me im off to bed.
Also i hope you like me new look blog. I have done a few things to the side bar and have added some nicer photos with title. I think it looks good anyway.
Also dont forget to click the top left hand side to see my new website

Photo by Trevor Haldenby
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Kate Freeman Nutrition

For great nutrition tips and practical eating,tips check out
Dont forget to book mark this website.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Seoi in MMA
2004 Athen Olympian for the USA Rick Hawn does a nice Seoi nage and finishes with some nice hammer fists. The throw is at 1:16.
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