International judo fédération / fédération internationale de judo - Institut du judo 21 25 avenue de la porte de Châtillon paris XIV cedex 14 01 40 52 16 09 – 01 40 52 16 66 fax 01 40 52 16 60
Mr. President,
Our federation fit into the process of modernization of its activities and development of its attraction for public and media.
In this framework we first put in place the organization of a network of legible and attractive competitions. Then we wanted to make judo more spectacular without removing its fundamental and educative principles by changing the referring rules. This was successfully realized.
In order to complete this point and enable judoka to realize spectacular techniques, we put in place a norm which permits to grip the judogi more easily, to facilitate in this way the projections and increase the number of “Ippon”.
The norm is validated since May 2010 and the official laboratories verify the conformity of the IJF label judogi.
The President Mr. Marius Vizer, at the origin of this idea, wished to delay the application of the obligation, initially fixed on the 1st January 2011, to wear a judogi complying with the IJF new norms for participating in the official competitions.
This obligation will take effect starting the Individual Senior World Championships of Paris in August 2011.

We advise you to be equipped as soon as possible with these judogi conform to new norms near the official manufacturers.
This decision gives an additional period to the manufacturers for being conform and to equip the national teams, as the problem linked with the cotton market delayed some manufacturers in the conception of these new judogi.
Only official suppliers’ judogi will be authorized.
Sincerely yours,
Jean-Luc Rouge
IJF DPM Director
The list of the official judogi suppliers:
2. ADIDAS Double D
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