Today i havent been doing too much, i cleaned the house while watching Matrix 1 and i am now on to Matrix Reloaded. i may tonight relax and watch the 3rd installment of the Matrix.
I have been doing a little bit with my blog, i have been trying to upgrade it and make it look pretty nice. So if in the next few weeks you see some crazy stuff going on on here, dont worry too much.
I have added a few pages on the right hand side of the blog. They just give some info on me and my Personal training as well as some interesting article i have written regarding judo, bjj, wrestling and grappling.
If you ever want to comment feel free to do so as i welcome all input into making my blog better and more interesting.
As i will be in the sauna tomorrow ill blog about my comp later on.
Catch ya
Also ill leave you with a picture and a quote
"Fight to Win"

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